Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Spirit Week in School

My school is having Spirit Week!!! Yay! I am having so much fun! Monday was Pajama Day, so I wore my blue, plaid pajama bottoms with a regular everyday shirt. Yesterday was Middle School representation Day, but I threw away my eighth grade trip shirt last year...NOOOOOOOOO! I was so sad! Then me and my friend decided that we would be a pair for Twin Day today; however, that plan was quickly flushed down the toilet when we realized we couldn't find anything that matched! We looked and looked! We ransacked our entire closet and then we failed miserably! I remember last year me and my friend wore Stickers on our shirts that said "My twin is _____". *sniffle* Good times...Tomorrow is Crazy hat day and Friday is Wacky Tacky Day, when you wear things that don't match. Tomorrow I am going to wear a hat that looks like the pants Patrick for SpongeBob SquarePants wears. I shall not miss another spirit Day eveeeerrrr! *she says with a dramatic echo*.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

The Blurb/back of the book/summary (from the book jacket):

Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed.
Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.
Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves - Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met.  As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off to search for the man they both love.

My Review of the book:

There is no single word that can fully describe this book! Stephenie Meyer created a completely new world! She moved away from the rainy town of Forks, Washington and set the story in the simmering hot Arizona desert. What is unique about this story is that while the planet was taken by the "aliens" they aren't really aliens per say, they are souls that look like beautiful silver feather looking worm-like creatures. They surgically insert themselves into the back of someones head right at the base of the neck and they take control over the body. Some human minds are able to stay awake and not fade while others are unable to, a lot depends on awareness.

The Host is not about taking the planet back because they know there aren’t enough of them to do it but mostly about surviving and about relationships. I found this book very hard to put down because it’s not a predictable story line at all. I never knew exactly what was going to happen. I think that largely contributes to the book being so great because if you have read many books that are similar then you know what is going to happen already; I give it two thumbs up on originality. I also love the way it was written, the style contributes largely as you are able to understand a lot because of the point of view Meyer took. Instead of looking at the storyline from Melanie’s view as she is the human and we would be able to relate more to her, she decided to look at everything from the point of view of Wanderer, the invading soul.

I loved this book and I know many people who agree. I hope that after reading this perhaps you will give The Host a chance and read it and love it as well! I cannot wait until the movie comes out! I think it comes ut in 2013! Hurry up, so we fans can watch it!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

My day leading up to International Night!

Today was such a good day! It started out crazy (like it is for anyone who takes the train in the morning in New York), like is sometimes true for me I just caught my train as I was going up the stairs of the train station and had to catch it all the way at the back. I had to run to make my transfer, but I had tons of bags because my performance was later that day. I thought I was going to be late because there was a delay; however, as is common during the winter I SOMEHOW got there with more than enough time (which never happens during the more thing to add to why I don't like summer too much). Well, moving on...while in my Global History class he brought in a coffee maker and someone asked "What is that for?" (Can anyone say, the awkward moment when everyone stares at one person for asking about the most obvious thing ever). I would think they are used to make coffee, but I could be wrong, I am not too sure *sarcasm*. Then he told us he brought it so we could use it when we wanted that even allowed...? Anyways, he moved on to say "I brought this but you can only use it if you find your own cups, if you want sugar or anything else you are going to get it for yourself too." So during our five minute break between our double period me and my friends raced around the school looking for cups and sugar...we ended up finding both after racing around in the time we got back to the class room we didn't even need the sugar since we were now wide awake. The rest of my day was normal until lunch when we went down and did each others hair and make up so that we would be ready for the show after school. I then went to Physics Lab, my favorite class...I am a nerd. I am a BARDIAN (the dictionary definition for this is some one who studies in BARD High School Early College in Queens). After we ran to the girls looker room and crazed around like headless chickens getting ready for the all the performances. When I was up I was happy that I had worked so hard and I was able to "execute the dance magnificently" (in the words of my friend). However, I was so nervous that the smile on my face was making my top lip twitch (the audience couldn't tell, thank goodness). I enjoyed performing and being able to share my hard work so much that I plan to do the talent show this year and do both thing again next year as well!

P.S. I finished The Host and will be putting up the review this weekend!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

This is the trailer for the movie.

I like Twilight and then there are some things that I don't like about it. One of the problems that Twilight has is that I am much more interested in the supporting characters than I am in the main characters. I feel as if Bella doesn't change mentally ever, her character never grows except for at the very end of Breaking Dawn where she is a mom and thus becomes protective of her child, but her mentality never changes. I feel like all the other characters (because we get to see their pasts) they do grow and change mentally.

WARNING!: After this there may be slight spoilers!

I just saw Twilight: Breaking dawn Part 1 yesterday, and I must say I am really pleased with how they filmed everything to do with the baby. It was just amazing how they made Bella look so physically broken! I loved how they show the baby breaking her (literally...there was one part where I was just thinking, 'Is it possible to bend like that?'). One thing that bothered me was that in the book Rosalie had always wanted a child so she is very protective of Reneesme, but in the movie she seemed like a psychopath (one of those mom's that is obsessive and controlling and such).

I love when I can go to the movies and the audience all laughs, awww's and ooh's at the same exact time and I feel like this is one of those movies that does that well. There is a part where Edward breaks the head board of the bed and that was just funny, it was too much!

WARNING!: This next sentence is an extreme spoiler! (Skip over it if you want)

I LOVE the way it ended; with her eyes opening (they were red), and how they show the transformation from human to vampire.

I am looking forward to seeing the second part because of the Volturi; I really want to see how they are going to show the fight between them and the Cullens and shifters. I really loved how they showed the tension of keeping the treaty in this movie and I hope it turns out good in the next movie!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

International Night at School

There will be an International Night is my school towards the beginning of December and I will be in it. Yay? Honestly I am a little nervous DESPITE the fact that we have been practicing every weekday after school for an hour and a half. But another thing is that I am very excited because I have worked so hard for this goal. This is going to sound cliche but to be truthful it is a group effort. All eight of us which includes me have been so supportive of each other; whenever one of us didn't understand how to do a certain move in the dance then someone was always there ready to explain it in the simplest way possible. The fact that it is a Bollywood style dance makes it something very knew to me, so when my friend asked me about it I jumped on the chance since I have always liked me the people who dance it must have great control and they always look so nice doing the moves! As it nears I become more and more happy that it's me and a bunch of friends doing the dance and I don't have to do this with strangers. If I tape the dance (aka if my mom tapes it, I should say...)  then I will post it here. My friend is letting me borrow her blue salwar kameez (traditional Indian clothing and you would not believe how LONG it took me to learn how to say this with the right accent! I had to ask my friend to repeat it about 100 times!). I am just a bit nervous since I am all the way in the front...I hope this turn out well. I can already see myself having a Lizzie McGuire moment where I trip on something that should be impossible to trip over and take the whole stage down with me!

 This is sort of what it looks like except it has short sleeves and is a little darker blue, but other than that the bottom and neckline and shawl are all the same!

Author's Note: I love "The Host" so far the development of the story keeps you on your toes!
Second Author's Note: I have become obsessed with the music composer Yiruma! His piano compositions are beautiful and really capture the essence of feeling and the actual instrument. I recommend that you see what he is all about on Youtube!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I am slowly (oh so very slowly) but surely (I'm not that sure?) getting more computer savvy! Sort of...
Well to start off I learned how to put a Music Player on my tumblr. I tried to do it here as well but I am not THAT savvy and so it was a failed experiment. If you want to get a sense of what I like to listen to on my free time then you can go there. I have up beat songs, sweet songs, sad songs, instrumentals (mostly piano compositions by Yiruma), etc. I hope you enjoy and get to see about music from other places as well as just music that is common to everyone too. Some of the songs are by the Korean Pop groups I mentioned a really long time ago. My tumblr is still the same :

As a COMPLETE side note that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this I wanted to mention the I am currently reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer and when I finish I will be doing a brief summary and review of what I thought of it! I am going to be reading a book of short scary stories by Edgar Allen Poe (awesome writer!) after and will probably do the same thing for my favorite story out of all of them and MAYBE my least favorite story out of all of them. So look forward to it!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have been thinking about this for a while and I have decided to get a tumblr so that my writings may be more seen and criticized. My tumblr will have other stuff since it's mostly for my pleasure but I will post my pieces on both sites now. You can visit me here:

I will be posting a new piece soon!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

History Class

I got an A- on this essay one of six students...yay for me...I just wanted to say...I WORKED SUPER HARD ON THIS!!!!!

Effect of Agriculture on Human Life – Essay
            The emergence of agriculture played a significant role in human life affecting jobs, science, and religion. While the transition to agriculture may have been an accidental one it caused social life to change with it. Before agriculture, hunting and gathering societies were very different. In a hunting and gathering community everyone has the same job and science and religion are not big parts of life. In a hunting and gathering community you could just leave an area when it did not meet the needs they had unlike in an agricultural society. They also believed in animism. However, after the transition to agriculture they had job specialization, they had to study the environment, and they believed in different gods that all controlled different things.
            Agriculture affected the way jobs were handled. While hunting and gathering societies were egalitarian and everyone grew up to have the same job of either hunting or gathering, in an agricultural societies there were some people who didn’t have a direct connection to growing crops, “…individuals who devoted …time to efforts other than the production of food” (Bentley and Ziegler, 25). Some people made tools out of metal that helped to cultivate food and to manage surplus of food and grain some people make pottery for storage. These were things that were also sold to the public for different reasons than these, for instance jewelry and decoration as well. Along with pottery in 7,000 B.C.E. and metallurgy in 6,000 B.C.E. also came textile production. It was necessary to have tools such as gloves to work as an agriculturalist and later on it also became an important role of society and the way people dress. Because of job specialization and people owning land (hunter and gatherer people do not own the land they use) people had different social status as well. Someone who was rich would have a bigger house, more jewelry, nicer clothing, and high quality pottery to adorn their house with and use for food, as opposed to someone who was poor who would have less of these luxuries and there was a leadership based on riches and influence, “Professional managers also appeared–governors, administrators, military strategists [since they now had something to protect], tax collectors…” (Bentley and Ziegler, 25). This was because the more land people had the more food people produced and because of the population explosion the demand for it was there and the more they would sell and make money for such things as these.
            Science was also a big aspect of people’s lives because of agriculture. In order to be able to sell food and have luxuries it was necessary to successfully grow the crops. Women were the also the one who helped this move along. They were the ones who gathered the plants that were needed and were the first ones to notice what helped and what didn’t help their plants grow. Through trial and error they studied the things that helped their plants grow most. By validating and testing the reliability of their results they knew what to do in order to have this. Science became very important to agriculturalist unlike to hunting and gathering societies where they just picked up from a land that replenished itself without the need of any human maintenance, “vegetable foods are abundant, sedentary and predictable. They grow in the same place year after year…” (Borshay Lee, 100). When “asked why they hadn’t taken to agriculture” and planted the mongongo nut the Bushman of the Ju/’hoansi-!Kung said, “Why should we plant, when there are so many mongongo nuts in the world?” (Lee, 93).
            While one would think that because there was science that religion would be something that they didn’t believe in ; however, the opposite is true, “Cities also gave rise to…priests, who…sought to discover meaning in human existence” (Bentley and Ziegler, 25-26). Agricultural societies had a very tight control over their crops because they didn’t let the environment control them, they controlled it; however, it was because of this control that they didn’t understand why sometimes things went wrong. They felt that because they were doing everything right then everything should have been going smoothly, so when something went wrong they blamed the gods. The gods they believed in mostly had to do with their agriculture system; there would be a god for the different aspects and things that helped to make the crops have a high or low yield, unlike in a hunting and gathering society where they were animist and just believed that there was not gods or goddesses but an energy in the world that was just there and that you didn’t have any direct contact with while going about doing things that needed to get done.
            To conclude, agriculture was important to human society and affected jobs, science, and religion the most. It led to job specialization which affected economic and social status of people. Agriculture also led to not only a surplus of food but the need for science in order to cultivate the crops to have a high yield. Lastly agriculture led to the development of a religion where the gods are very human like and are very important to the daily life and crops that they had. It was because of many of these changes that our society is the way it is now.

We read Gilgamesh in Literature Class

\Gilgamesh – Final Draft
            In Gilgamesh by Stephen Mitchell the gods have a close relationship with the humans. The humans ask things of the gods and the gods get glorification in return. They affect the humans in a positive way. The first of the occasions where the immortals help the mortals was when the gods ask Anu to save the people of Uruk from Gilgamesh’s destruction. Another incident is where Gilgamesh goes to Ninsun so that she may interpret his dream. She also gave Gilgamesh and Enkidu a blessing when they were going to kill Humbaba. In return the humans have temples dedicated to them and also do things like how the priestesses give themselves in the name of Ishtar to honor her. So it is important for them to have each other. The gods help the humans and in return they have to worship. The humans are grateful enough that they receive help, and thus carry out the things they have to.
            Gilgamesh “went to his mother, the goddess Ninsun, and asked her to interpret the dream” (83). This is important because it shows that the gods have wisdom and that the humans trust them. The mortals who have limited time on earth are not as wise as the immortals who have been there forever and therefore have the wisdom. Another incident that is similar to this is when Gilgamesh and Enkidu go to get Ninsun’s blessing before going off to kill Humbaba. Gilgamesh says “give me your blessing before I leave” (99) to which she answered by praying to the other gods so that they may give them protection on the journey. The humans rely on the gods to be there for them and share protection and wisdom.
            The gods were asked by the people of Uruk to save them from Gilgamesh’s “tyranny” the gods told Anu that “the people cry out” and no one dares oppose him” they said “Father, do something” (73). Then they “[created] a new hero, [and] let them balance each other perfectly” (74). The fact that they do something to help is what sets them apart from a lot of other pantheons. In this instance, the gods are like parents to humans as they have taken a protective role over the humans. They take care of their problems and fix their situations actively. In return they receive gratitude and offerings in the ziggurats and temples that were built to them.
            In the same way that the gods fix their problems actively the kind of praise the gods receive is very active and extreme as well, because the mortals are grateful and because they don’t want to inquire their wrath. The priestesses of “the temple of Ishtar” stand in front of the temple “ready to serve men’s pleasure, in honor of the goddess” (81). They are complacent enough to do this without any problems. However; if they anger the gods they receive hatred and punishment. After Gilgamesh insulted Ishtar she “shrieked, she exploded with fury. Raging, weeping she went up to heaven…as tears of anger poured down her cheeks” she “led the Bull down to earth, it entered and bellowed, the whole earth shook…” (137). She was very angry with Gilgamesh and even said, “I want to kill that liar, Gilgamesh, and destroy his palace.” (136). Ishtar was going to punish Gilgamesh, Enkidu and bring “famine for seven long years” (136) just because Gilgamesh, who is only one person, had pointed out a fault in her that was true. This shows that along with helping the humans they get a lot of power over them, much like parents over their children, but more extreme.
            The gods are helpful to the humans as long as the humans keep worshiping and not disrespecting the gods. However; when they do wrong toward the gods they receive extreme punishment.  The humans are dependent on the wisdom and protection of the gods, and without it them life is more dangerous. Human life is based on divine protection. The situation is a give and take relationship with the humans, and it makes sense, because Aruru, who is an immortal, is “the one who created humans” (74). The gods and humans need each other in order for both to exist, and without one where would the other be, because the gods are there to protect the humans so that they feel secure; however, humans are the ones who created the gods.

So...I wanted to say that I had a lot of fun writing this. I had to choose my own topic AND my own question to answer and I am very pleased with the results! Also, I could not have done this without the help of my wonderful editors (who are also my friends) Melissa and Anna. When they finished viewing my first draft there were so many pencil marks that I had a lot to work with and I got to understand how the people who read my passages feel. I told Melissa to become my future editor...she is heartless and I rather have someone tell me what is bad than tell me that it was perfect when it wasn't! Extra thanks to Melissa!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More World Literature Class...

Okay so I am realizing that I write everyday but I don't always have time to put them up the day I write it. So, some days there will be more than one post. To move onward, today Mr. Moore gave us 10 grammar words that we should use in a sentence. I was making separate sentences that had nothing to do with each other and I was not happy with the way it came out. It felt random, but in a bad way (a non-creative way), so I started over and made a short scene because I remembered how cool the movie Troy was and I was thinking about soldiers.

1.     The man went to the front line, belligerent and stared the enemy down. He walked forward on the gritty sand as if he was jaunting and not going to battle. He had a surly grin on his face as he saw the weak men on the other side try to surreptitiously sneak to the back of the troop formation. Some of the more willful and whimsical foot soldiers glared back at him. There was no room for the emaciated or the philanthropist, on the battle field it was kill or be killed, and in the end it always turned out the same. He and his own troops standing on the sand painted red and redolent of rusty blood.

These are the words and their meanings:
1. Belligerent - aggressive, ready to fight
2. Gritty - coarse, granular
3. Jaunting - taking a stroll, strolling, short pleasure trip
4. Surly - rude, grumpy, unpleasant
5. Surreptitiously - secretive, sneaky, stealthy
6. Willful - determined, stubborn
7. Whimsical - impulsive, capricious
8. Emaciated - extremely thin, withered, weak
9. Philanthropy - charity, love of human kind
10. Redolent - smelling of, giving off odor/fragrance

Hope you enjoyed my post!

World Literature Class

This is a character who I had to come up with for the genre we are reading not which is Epic. We are reading Gilgamesh...I find it very interesting. So I came up with this character and it was part of my Homework and I wanted to share it because my friend told me it was very good and that I should make it a short story. I will work on it soon, but this is the preview.

 Cody Rossman walked down the lonely road with his face covered by a scarf against the desert sandstorm so as to not breathe in the sand. His medium built frame could hardly be seen with all the sand and despite his head being covered by his hood his shaggy hair was still full of sand. He walked that way for three hours and finally came across a town. He decided to stay because it was almost twilight and if he decided to stay out to camp in the open desert he would subject himself to the danger of the Desert Raiders. He walked into an inn and asked for a room for one night. She stared at his deep green eyes and chiseled face; she glared at him as if saying that nonsense was not allowed without so much as speaking. He went off to the room after he handed her the cash and opened the map that led to the key. All he knew was that it was made of gold and had an onyx scarab beetle on it. If he didn’t find it he would not be able to efficiently control fire and if he wasn’t strong enough the Pharaoh’s would win. They were just a group of people like him but they called themselves the Pharaoh’s and were strong enough to wipe out small nations. He traced a path to the Sand Dunes to the hidden pyramid under the sand. ‘All that’s left now is for me to pass all the traps and then defeat the Pharaoh’s. Well then. No pressure…that’s going to be easy,’ he thought the voice in his head dripping with sarcasm.

PS. sorry it took me sooo long to update! I hope you enjoyed the teaser!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I will update the next chapter of my fan-fiction this weekend! I couldn't do it today because of homework but I am trying really hard to get it out there as soon as I can finish it!

The Second of Two Pieces Written by Me in School...PPP

This was a way for the students to learn how to connect two articles. Even if they have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. I felt bad that I left Augustine's reputation in tatters; however, this was the best and most opinionated way to connect the two articles. The first (Augustine's) is an article published in a newspaper and the second (Yong's) is a scientific paper on the research of people who believe their own lies by a miss Dr. Chance.

                        Kesi Augustine vs. Ed Yong

            In Obama’s Dream: A Model NYC High School by Kesi Augustine, a former student of BHSEC, the main topic seems to be that she believes that Bard is better than other schools. She even goes as far as to advertise the school in such a manner where she highlights how the school is very diverse and unique, how the school is demanding and challenges the students to work hard. What she doesn’t realize is that she is promoting the school for something ALL or at least MOST schools take pride in and do have. Every school says their work is such so that it stimulates the mind and makes the students learn things they will need to know in order to be prepared for college. Who doesn’t know that a Muslim and a Christian can be friends, that a gay and a straight can both believe in finding true love, and that a Latino and an African American can joke with each other about the stereotypes in their communities. Those are things that occur in many other environments besides BHSEC and school.
            As for “People Don’t Know When They’re Lying to Themselves” by Ed Yong if the title is not self explanatory enough for your taste it is about how people can and do lie to themselves to make themselves feel better or to escape the scrutiny of others, and they are so good at it that they believe their own lies. This is what Kesi does in her article.
            Kesi is in the words of Chance, “largely oblivious” to her own lies. She may say that Bard is better than other schools because “the similarities outweigh the differences” and because of its diversity. But she actually wants to justify to others and to herself why she went there. She tells us that the school had “eager students” and no one could make it through by “slumping” in a seat. She only does this to make it seem as if people should listen to her because she went through all this hard work and knows what she is talking about. However, truthfully, every single school has students who can pass and even achieve extraordinary grades and not work extremely hard. She advertizes the school in order to make herself feel good. She wants to make people think she is intelligent and important based solely on the fact that she has gotten such and exclusive education.  However, one can note she is unsure because of the way she goes about trying to make the school look fantastic. She seems very sure sometimes when she is giving the school due praise, but at other moments she seems to be trying to convince herself. She refers to the school as only a “high school” and says that she was extra prepared for “real college”. BHSEC is in fact a college and you do earn an Associates’ Degree for it. It is a great school and does what many great schools do. It prepares and helps students to establish good careers. One usually does some amount of work even if not much to do so. This is not something one should whine or boast about, it is just something unavoidable for those who wish to be successful in life and Bard helps the process along.

-In the words of my teacher Mr. Schwartz (I know how to spell it now), "You have to work very hard in order to fail school.Even with just doing the basics you can pass."
-Also, I got my schedule for my classes today and start the regularly scheduled classes tomorrow! I asked for piano and got it! Yessss! But I can truly say that the idea of having Physics is terrifying!
-Mr. Schwartz is now not only my adviser but my Global History teacher too!
-Hope you enjoyed reading that!
-Feedback is appreciated for anything I ever post on this blog! No FLAMES! I mean CONSTRUCTIVE and HELPFUL criticism.

The First of Two Pieces Written by Me in School...PPP

This one was from a prompt that the teacher gave us. He said that the guys have to write why they would rather be female and the girls would rather write why the would rather be male. For social reasons. I thought it was silly at first. I said "Please I love being a girl!" I still do...I don't know if I really could picture my self as a guy...but it did open my eyes to many social issues. I realize now that society is still somewhat sexist, though it has improved greatly.

            I would rather like to be a boy. The reason is because there is much less stress involved. I wouldn’t have to worry so much about being all the things my parents expect. In “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, she felt judged and as if her mother was not seeing her true self, her mother was seeing in her daughter all the things she was trying to warn her against. Her mother was trying to give her the good advice she thought would be important for her daughter to know in order to lead a good life, but failed to realize how her daughter felt. I feel this can be true for many young ladies and is something that most boys do not have to deal with. Boys do in fact have more freedom to do the things they want. Girls must not do a lot of things boys get to do or they will not look proper. A boy rolling and tussling in the dirt with his friends is something that no one would think out of the ordinary, but as soon as a little girl does it others begin to think things like ‘Where are her parents?’ and ‘Don’t they teach her manners?’ What does having fun have anything to do with manners?
            Another reason that I would rather be a boy is that the beauty standards set for girls to be considered beautiful are set so high and narrow that one must work extremely hard to look attractive. I learned from “Killing Us Softly 3” the third documentary out of a series of four that approximately only five percent of women in America posses the physical attributes that are what society tells us is beautiful. One must be “young, innocent, experienced, and sexy” all at once in order to be considered beautiful. Even in “Being a Boy” by Julius Lester the protagonist, a boy, realizes while he was at a dance that the girls felt like if they weren’t asked out to dance then it was their own fault. Most girls do have low self-esteem and depend on whatever they think of themselves and whatever other think of them, and it is not their fault because society makes it this way. If a girl sees beautiful women on TV, ads, and commercials all the time she won’t feel like she can measure up to them and she won’t have confidence.
            Finally, one can say that the things a girl is expected to do when he grows up to be a woman are not only many but also hard work. Once she is a woman she must take care to be a good wife and respectable mother. She must have all the skills necessary to raise a family among them cooking, cleaning, and in this day and age also manage a career too as if all the domestic duties were not enough to handle.

I also want to add that I saw "Killing Us Softly" and I thought it was amazing! I wanted to share it with you and I strongly recommend you watch it! Here is the link: Click Here! It will lead to Youtube!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am not avoiding writing! I promise! I wrote two documents I am very proud of but it will have to wait until tomorrow...I just finished my homework right now and I did not procrastinate...I had to work on my PPP (I know it sounds terrible!). It stands for Polished Piece of Pros but in the words of my teacher Mr. Schwartz (hope I spelled that right) it almost sounds like there should be a Poopie in there...Polished Piece of Poopie...Poopie Piece of Pros...Oh the possible choices *sigh*.... Tomorrow is my "celebratory reading" I read a paper that told me it was "celebratory" written by the vice principal...but if someone has to tell you it's probably won't shouldn't have to convince me it's fun...I should just know...ANYWAYS! The reason I am not uploading the pieces I have written yet is because they are VERY, VERY long. If I started to type now I would not get enough sleep thus making for an extremely grumpy Alex in the morning and starting my day in Zombie mode. I will spare you the details! I will upload when I don't have too much homework and during the weekend! I will also be uploading the next chapter of my fanfiction soon, I hope you will look forward to it! Good night! If you are in a different time zone then Good morning or Good afternoon! Whichever one applies!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School. Friends. And a Teacher.

My brain is fried from the documents I had to read today for homework and the lack of sleep, but I really wanted to upload on my first day of school and continue to be more faithful with this and my story. I will have to try to write the next chapter this weekend. I came home, showered, cooked, relaxed a bit, did my homework, now I am writing this, and if there are dishes in the sink I really should try to do them. 

Well, for my first day of school I suppose I can describe it as bitter sweet. Last night I could not fall asleep for the love of my life! I was up until 2:30 just turning and turning. I guess this can be credited to the fact that I was somewhat excited to see all my friends and find out how my new teachers were and also because I got used to falling asleep very late and waking up late. Then I had to get up at 6:30 so you can imagine how happy I was about that. Well then moving on! My new teacher is Mr. Shwartz (hope I spelled that right!) and he is extremely funny and sarcastic! I love it! I love when my teachers are sarcastic, I feel it livens the mood. However, I was kind of mad when he asked a question and when he seemed to think no one was going to get it after he was trying to hint at it while not giving it away (I did attempt to put in word). You see our class work in a seminar type way. So then he just said everything that I had worked out in my head with dedication and intricate thinking. Just like that my effort was ruined. Before the class started on this topic he had been saying to us how "You can be brilliant in your corner over there, but if you don't say anything then no one can pick at it and make it be of good learning experience." He said, "You have to share your thoughts!" and how am I supposed to do that when you beat me to it! Well...aside from that I had a lot of fun giving my friends gifts and receiving some back! seeing teachers that were good and such things.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Starting School Tomorrow! (+ Update)

I am starting school tomorrow! (That's just in case you didn't get it when you read the heading, right?) Okay, Captain Obvious onward! I am sort of dreading the part where you get tons and tons of homework all the time; however, I am looking forward to 10th grade and spending time with friends and the funny teachers and such. so I wanted to say that and also to mention that I don't know if I will be uploading the fourth chapter today or if I will be uploading it tomorrow or perhaps the day after, but if there are no last minute things/events going on this week I will do my best to get it out there this week! Now I have to begin the chapter...right okay, I will get to that right now.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I have now also uploaded the 3rd chapter of Pretear! The fourth chapter will be out as soon as I start and finish it right?! Definitely, I will try to do my best and get it out there as soon as possible! Thank You!

Link: Click Here! and ENJOY!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New York Man Kicks Seagull so Hard it had to be Euthanized

Jeremy Lowengard, 20, who lives in East Harlem, was charged with with torturing or injuring an animal.
Jeremy Lowengard
I was reading the news paper while on my way to New York after a very long visit to my aunt in Virginia and was surprised by the heading of one of the articles: New York Man Kicks Seagull so Hard it had to be Euthanized. I was so baffled. Why would anyone just kick a seagull out of the blue? I guess that's why curiosity killed the cat. However; it has nine lives and this cat's bail was set at 1,000 dollars. Corky Siemaszko writes, "Jeremy Lowengard, 20, who lives in East Harlem, was charged with with torturing or injuring an animal under state Agriculture and Markets Law, which is a misdemeanor." I could not believe that someone who claims to be a nature lover would do something so unlikely. So if you are a seagull in the state of New York, please beware this man, for he is a known seagull kicker!

Read more at:


I wanted to take out the time to just say that I have continued my Pretear fan fiction. I am working on the 3rd chapter right now; however, the 2nd chapter is already out.

Here is the link that takes you there! Hope you enjoy:

I hope to have the third chapter out by tomorrow or the day after!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Catching Up!

Lately I realized that I had not been doing that much reading so I have taken it upon my self to read more. I've been catching up with Vampire Academy as I read the first book and then I suddenly stopped reading the series. But my sister told me about the series and she said it was very good so I will try. I just got momentarily bored seeing as I feel that the second book starts out somewhat slow but I will try to read it. I always try to enforce reading the whole book; I don't normally start a book and not finish it because it can become a bad habit. I will also be catching up on my manga reading although that is more on the fun side because there is less to figure out. My lazy butt!

I recently finished reading Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer which is Twilight but through the eyes of Edwards and I found it to be at least twice as interesting because you really get a look at the big mystery that is the Cullen family and the vampire world; however, I can say that I am very disappointed that Meyer didn't finish it. She wrote, "My first feeling was that there was no way to continue. Writing isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like. With writing, the way you feel changes everything. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely." I suppose she has a point, and what they did to her was awful because I wouldn't want someone to take a story I have written and publish it as their own. However, what about the fans! I would have love to see the end of Midnight Sun and how Edward felt after everything was over.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Off the Face of this Planet...?

Hello! Sorry I have not uploaded in such a long time! Partially it’s my fault because I have been very busy going to my mom’s job or spending time with friends now that its summer and I have not been managing my time wisely. Actually that has always been something that I am not too good with. I do however always take out the time for things like homework and recently chores too. I am writing this on Monday, August 01, 2011; however, due to lack of internet at my grandmother’s apartment I won’t be able to upload it until I get an internet connection.  I will be staying here a week and I imagine my friends must think that I disappeared off the face of this planet because I did not know I was coming and the last time I was here there was internet connection without the need of any password. I quite miss everyone, but I had not seen my grandmother in such a long time that I am having a nice time talking to her. I rather not have internet for a couple of days and keep my lonely grandma company than be a spoiled brat and not care about family!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Harry Potter!

I am super excited to go see the movie this Saturday (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2...what other movie is out right now? I wouldn't know this is one of the most talked about!)! I'm not going to see it Friday...I think...because my friend can't go that day (Nice move! Thanks Ayisha! *sarcastic*...I'm joking! Really please dont feel bad!). But if my mom is free Friday then I suppose we might go that day because she was feeling bad that she might not see it with me since she doesn't really go to the movies unless it's with me. I told her that I would still go with her and she said that by then I would know everything...which is redundant because I read ALL the books (I read some twice too!). I already know that _______, _______, ________ and _______ die and that ________ turns good and that ________ was never really bad (J.K. Rowling kills a LOT of people in her last book...and I bet you that now you wanna know who these blanks stand in for, but I wont tell you!). But honestly I react the same way the second time as I do the first time! I am also going to a Harry Potter show/exhebition/thing in Time Square next week. Yay! I am super HAPPY!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hershey Park Trip!

I know I have not updated in super long...for those of you who keep up with the random things that I blog about; but I am making it up now.

Recently - this weekend to be exact - I went to Hershey Park and had a blast! We (me and my parents) left early Saturday morning and went directly to Hershey, Pennsylvania and to the park where we ate food and got on rides like the SooperDooperLooper, the Great Bear, Fahrenheit, and we also drove Sunoco cars; however,  we had the most fun on the only water ride we got on that day called the Intercoastal Waterway. After that we left and went to the hotel that we were staying in called the Travelodge. Then later on towards the evening we went eating at a place on Chocolate Avenue (which is also were the hotel is only further down the Avenue) called The Chocolate Grill where we had a Lobster Bis soup and a steak marinated in Lobster Sauce with a side of Broccoli and baby red potatoes baked with Parsley (which was to die for delicious!). It was at this time that I also tried unsweetened iced tea and I must say I nearly choked! It tasted awful! Then we went happily and tiredly to the hotel where I went to talk to my friends on Facebook and tell them about my awesome day (but not bragging or they would have been mad *smile*). The next day; though, was even more fun than the first day. When we arrived at Hershey Park after eating breakfast at Friendly's we went on the Tidal Force and after we went to the East Coast Water Works where we went on the Riptide which needed floaty donut shaped tube things to go down in and we moved to another section where we went on the highest water slide which was purple! We spent a lot of time in this section and at some point we had ice cream then we went to go to The Shore, but some unfortunate sucker pooped in it so we ended up going on the Intercoastal Waterway once again and after that we decided that we loved the Tidal Force so much that we should end the day of rides with it and so we did. After we went to see how the chocolate is made and we bought a shirt for each of us at the souvenir shop and a bathing kit that comes with a wash, a scrub, a lotion, and a dissolving thing to take a bath in that smelled like chocolate along with a bag of chocolate containing Whoppers, Kit Kats, mini Hershey bars, Reese's, and Almond Joys that may last us a decade.After, we went back to Friendly's where we had an Appetizer dish shared between the three of us that was composed of Chicken Crispers (chikenfingers), mini Quesadillas, and mini cheese sticks. Then we had Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburgers and we had our own choice of ice cream desert because it's Friendly's ice cream...who would walk out of Friendly's without trying their ice cream...come on! My father had a Kit Kat Sunday, I had an Original Sunday which was everything but Original because it wasn't boring because it had bits of Heath and M&Ms on it, and my mother had Brownie Sunday that was very chocolaty but she changed one of the scoops to Black Raspberry. Then went back to the Hotel to relax and do the same thing we did in the Hotel the night before. On Monday when we awoke we rushed to bathe and dress so we could sign out of the hotel on time (by eleven) and we got int the car were we drove until we found a Pilot where we drank coffee and ate sausage egg and cheese in a English Muffin! I know you must be getting hungry now so I will stop describing food! You must really be hungry now. Then we drove all the way back to New York which was another long drive. Then we went to Sizzler's where we ate dinner (buffet) and we went home!Gotcha, more food...but that is really more food! Over all we ate a lot! I guess it's what happens when you spend two whole days walking around in an astronomically sized park. Needles to say I had the best time EVER and I still have a crazy tan (though I promise I didn't get burnt to a crisp!

Below is a map of Hershey Park that doesn't really fit, but oh well:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hey! over all of what has been going on!

Sorry I have not uploaded in so long. I was busy with Final Examinations and the Regents Exams and also with Projects. And WE JUST GOT A CAR!!! WOOO HOOO!!! (Must say that was random), and my uncle and his family moved back to Puerto Rico *tear*!

I am just super excited for this summer and just for the end of school which is the 28 of this month. Then I can get started with things that need some attention like this Blog and my piano lessons among some things. Also, I believe I will be getting a job over the summer and that towards the end of the summer I will be visiting my aunt up in Virginia! I have a great many things to look forward to but until the end of the school year I will relax for a bit and recover from all the last minute things and start to catch up with just my writing for now. The thing is my year officially ends on the 28 but I don't have to go to school until the 28. So I have decided to be a teenager and just enjoy spending time doing things like hanging out with friends and such! Then I have to get crackin' for real, real on things like: reading (started), writing (started), piano (not yet started), and other things that I cannot think of on the spot right now!

Hooray for me! Chill Time! (I can be quite lazy *sigh*, but I will change it!...This can be my SUMMER RESOLUTION!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Morning of Extra Sleep!

When my father goes away (to visit family...because sometimes we don't ALL go, though it is rarely that he goes without us) and my mom and me are the only ones in the house I always take his side of the bed because my parents bed is one billion times more comfortable and soft. I always ask my parents the same question, "How do you manage to drag your body out of such a comfortable bed every weekday morning?" I believe my parents are amazing because I know that if I had to wake up from such a bed every morning I would just go on sleeping until about 12 in the afternoon. So I had two days that I was able to sleep on his side of the bed, but the problem was that they were week days and I had to wake up early to go to school. So on Monday morning I heard my mother's alarm clock go off at 6:30 in the morning. I literary started to chant inside my head, 'Please don't wake me up! Please don't wake me up! Please don't wake me up! Please don't wake me up! PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME UP!!!!' And I believe it absolutely must have worked because I went back to sleep and got an extra half of an hour of sleep! AMAZING! When I woke up I was, as you can imagine, super happy for this. That must have been the best morning ever!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Teachers and Homework

This week was just extremely hectic! I had a ton of daily homework and on top of that my History teacher decided to assign an essay project due Friday and then she also gave us normal Reading Log Journal homeworks too! The worst part was that I worked on it almost everyday and still had to stay up late the day before it was due! But I thought, 'Well she loved my thesis statement so at least I can hand this in and be proud of it, I hope I get a good grade!' That thought proved to be wrong when I got to class and found out she wasn't there. I thought, 'Oh, I hope it wasn't anything bad!' Later the substitute told us, "Your History teacher, Ms.Alden, planed a trip to Texas to see her family and had to catch a plane that left early today, here is the worksheet she made for you to complete." I was about to go ballistic! 'She had enough time to make a worksheet, so she knew she was leaving! Why didn't she just extend the due date to Tuesday!'I screamed in my head. *sigh* Teachers...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Arts Night at BARD!

This past Thursday my school (BARD High School Early College of Queens) hosted an Arts Night. There was art displayed throughout the whole school that belonged to the Art Classes and there was performances on stage by the Drum Classes, the Orchestra, the Dance Class, the Choir, and other classes/clubs. It was quite entertaining and I got to see my friend, Prya, sing a solo for the Choir. I had a lot of fun reassembling puzzle cubes that the Art Classes made; despite, the fact that there was one cube that I could not put together, and I remember saying, "Geez! Why is this one so hard? It must have been made by a genius!" to which my friend, Diana, answered, "What do you think...we go to BARD! Everyone here is super intelligent!" At that point I replied, "I suppose your right.", and the tenth grade guy sitting in front of me laughed and said, "Yeah right! You should be in some of my classes. Some people do the stupidest things! Just the other day my friend asked me who was on the dollar bill!" Me and Diana could only stare at him in disbelief.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Chapter of my new Fan Fiction!

I have started my first ever fan fiction! For those of you who want to read my fan fiction I recommend that you read the actual Manga, or watch the actual Anime first before you read it because you will understand it more, and be able to get a better sense of the characters. With out further ado:
Click Here for Story: Internal Conflicts

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Impossible Quiz o.O

I have a friend who has the Impossible Test in her I-phone which is awesome because I play it all the time...and I thought it was so great that I decided to look for some Impossible Tests/Quizzes online. I found a really good quiz at: This Website! (Click Here!)

Anyways...I cannot seem to get very far after I think question 52 or around there...

Some of the answers to the questions and the way that they are composed make me think 'Wow. In order for this to actually work, the people who make these quizzes up not only have to be amazingly intelligent but also have to not look at the world the way most people do.' Translation: The people need to be Psychopathic Geniuses! Congratulations to all who can do this type of thing! Now you have my respect!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Overbearing Math Teacher

My teacher always worked us to our full potential and gave us homework and hard tests. Which was a lot of hard work, but I understood that it is necessary for me to practice Algebra (he says "it is the basis of ALL other math"). However, just recently, at the beginning of class today he told us "Today marks the start of all the real work," and I remember thinking 'WHAT! What is he talking about is he planing to bury us in homework?'. Nevertheless, I must say that the real shock came when he said "Yes, I plan on giving you at least twenty-five to thirty algebraic problems from the textbook everyday." now you can imagine...that was when I actually died inside and all the little hope I had was gone...In my head all I could think was 'No, he is not planing to bury us in homework...he just simply wants to whack us with the textbook'. WHACK! I'm out cold...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Chemistry Quiz Revelation

While in my Chemistry class we have been studying the Periodic Table of the Elements. There is a special way of "reading" the table and I was trying to learn it. The problem was I could not understand how to do it. I asked the teacher about a thousand questions and I still could not understand this weird concept. Finally, after wracking my brain, and then the teachers brain and then my friends brains for answers I decided to give it a rest. Then suddenly there was a quiz (not a pop quiz just one that I had forgotten about because of the Algebra quiz I was having that week too). Well, we can all guess what this Chemistry quiz was about, right? Of course, it was on some questions that you could only get right if you knew how to "read" the Periodic table of the Elements! The quiz begun and I could only answer one question out of all eight of the questions on the quiz! By this point I was freaking out and I thinking "Aw, sh*t! Why does this type of stuff only happen to me!" Then it suddenly hit me like a lightning bolt. I thought "This is how your supposed to read it!" Everything clicked and then I answered all the questions! Then yesterday I got my quiz results back! My score was a seven out of eight...guess what question I got wrong...the only one that I could answer at the beginning of the quiz...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Crazy Weather!

I realize that I have not written anything in my blog in a really long time, however I must say that school has been crazy and that paired with the fact that I seem to be addicted to Korean dramas has not helped this issue at all.

Well, onto what I really want to write about. i do not know how the weather is in other states, but here in New York the weather has been insane. Can this even be counted as real SPRING! The new season has come with unexpected surprises...I have just been informed that tomorrow it will most likely snow, the last time I checked winter is over and it's now spring, so what is going on? It is just not fair. I do not like the extreme heat in any way, shape, or form but the snow is getting on my nerves!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you know what I hate?

Well, you don't but you will in a second...I HATE IT WHEN YOU WATCH A SHOW THAT IS A SERIES AND YOU MISS SOME DAYS SO THAT WHEN YOU WATCH IT AGAIN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON! That pisses me off especially when it's something really good because then you miss all the parts that explained what happened. It is very upsetting when I watch it again because then I do not understand everything that the characters are talking about. It makes me is so confusing.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Super Junior and other K-pop

Recently, actually almost at the beginning of the school year I heard of K-pop. My friends, Diana and Melissa, introduced me to Super Junior. Super Junior was the first Korean Pop group I heard of and then came SNSD aka Girl's Generation and other groups like SHINee, SS501, DBSK aka TVXQ and even Brown Eyed Girls. The point. I am in love with Korean Pop it is very good music to listen to, it is usually very upbeat with the exception of a few songs. I love the bands that are listed (list below) because not only can they sing but their dancing is amazing unlike the bands from here (U.S.) where the bands cannot.

K-pop groups I like
1. Super Junior (I love their sub group too: Super Junior K.R.Y.)
3. SHINee
4. SS501
5. Wonder Girls
6. Brow Eyed Girl(s)
7. Dalmatian
8. Beast
9. 2pm
10. 2am
11. ZE:A
12. JYJ
13. U-kiss
14. FT Island
15. Orange Caramel (a sub group of Rainbow)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sharing Great Stories

This morning I took the train with my father which is a sort of rare occasion that only happens when he is leaving at the same time as me despite the fact that we take the train in the same direction everyday. But today I realized that sharing stories is important. I was telling my father of some stories that I had and he told me of some of his stories. It also happened when I was on the train with some friends...*smiles*...Overall I have realized that sharing stories brings people closer...despite how sappy that may sound *rolls eyes*.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Annoyed at a writer...

I was reading a very good, no a GREAT story, however, the writer of the story (a fan-fiction) decided that they were going to make it really long, which was fine because the story was GREAT, so by chapter 34 the story was awesome! However, then the writer decided that they thought the characters were getting too Out Of Character (OOC). This was bad because then they decided to re-write the story! I put so much effort into reading it that I cannot bear the is just upsetting! Now I have to begin again! So sad...WHY ME?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crowded Trains and New Yorkers

Crowded Trains! It seems that sometimes (meaning every time) that I'm taking the train from my school to home I cannot seem to be able to just have some space! I take the train with my friends and it is just annoying when you were previously having a conversation on the train station and then when the train comes it's almost so full that you do not have to hold on to the pole. Ugh, almost being the key word because it is even worse when it's not full enough so that you then have to hold on and the only thing to hold onto is the ceiling because then your hand gets tired and the person next to you is having the mind block of the century and they think you purposefully want to be pushing them! As if I would want to be that close to them in the first place! Sheesh! Really in New York we only 'bond' when we are forced to get into a cart that is full because of our schedules! If someone were to get up that close on a normal street that was not crowded the would get REJECTED, and I don't mean "Eww, get away from me!" it would be extreme, like, "Get the ______ out of my personal space or I will call the ______ing cops on you!" But I think the real funny part is that we try to ignore the people around us in a crowded train when they are all up in your personal space, however, when there is not that many people around you, you stay on the alert (well if you live in New York you better be on the alert!), really how ironic...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Piano Progress

I thought I would be quite random and wanted to do a post on my progress in my self teaching piano (as of now, I want to get a teacher soon though). I have improved at reading the music and the differences between the Treble Clef and Bass Clef as to where the notes are according to the keys on the piano. It is very interesting and I am extremely happy to be learning how to play a new instrument. I have begun to learn how to play "Fur Elise" by Beethoven. It has been a very good piece because with it I have acquired more of handle on the transitions between notes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Am Number Four

I Am Number Four is a movie about a senior in high school, John Smith, who's home planet, Lorien, was destroyed. There are nine like him that having run away from their home planet during it's destruction, live in Earth as refugees scattered out while running away from the Mogadorians. Each of them has special powers that, throughout the movie, are not specified as to what they are exactly. Each of them who look like ordinary teenagers living ordinary lives, have extraordinary powers and must fight to save Earth, their new home. John Smith aka Number Four, who will be the next target after the demise of Number Three, in particular wants to be normal. He, however, learns his incredible destiny and ends up as a warrior when trying to survive. He he acquires scars on his leg every time that one of them dies, he has three of them, one for Number One, one for Number Two, and one for Number Three. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri, John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events like his first (and only) love, powerful new abilities, and a connection to the others who share his destiny.If that weren't trouble enough John has to contend with the local football bullies who have targeted him and another outsider and soon-to-be ally, Sam. But at the very least he doesn't have to do everything by himself, enter Jane Doe aka Number Six, a girl with powers similar to John, she helps towards the end of the movie and helps kill the Mogadorians. In the end John is forced to leave his love, Sarah Hart, and rides away in his truck with Sam and Number Six who is leading the way in her motorcycle. They are going to find the other four like them and train to make their legacies (powers) stronger.

 Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books - but we are real. Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running, Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. We have live among you without you knowing. But they know.
                                                                                                      -I Am Number Four (Book)
Mogadorianshideous, long black trench-wearing (they actually look cool with the trench when you look at them from behind), aliens with tiny sharp and pointy teeth and gills on either side of their nose. Obviously the "bad guys", right? They also have ritualistic scalp tattoos on the back of their heads and speak a different language while talking to each other.

He looks cool with the trench in the wind, right?
Until you look at his face and your eyeballs fall out because he is too ugly! Just imagine this and then remember that there is more than just one of them. AH! The horror!

My Overall Opinion:
It was a very good movie! I give it four stars! I enjoyed watching it because the plot was very well thought out and the characters are well developed and thought through. I was fascinated by the special effects and believe  it is a good movie for anyone interested in science fiction and most teenagers. This movie also brings out many emotions, some of the scenes were funny some were crazy some were sad, happy, etc. My favorite scenes had to be the part of the movie where Sam (the sidekick) finds out why his dad went missing because I thought he was going to be horrified but instead he was quite happy. I also enjoyed the scenes where I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or sad, there were at least three. Finally I was upset that in the movie Number Six's legacies were so much more advanced than those of Number Four because he was the main character so it would have made more sense if he was further along than Jane, however throughout the movie her powers come in a lot more often than his and she does most of the stunts that save them. His part was big when she told him to hit her with his Lumen ,which is his energy/legacy, and she was recharged so that she could then continue to pull of more stunts.

I enjoyed many of the things that the characters from this movie said!

-"Stay tuned." - Number Six says this after Number Four ask what other powers she has.
-"Red bull is for p*****s." - Number Six says this after Number Four recharges her with his Lumen.
-"Your dog turned into one of them!" - Sam yells this (with a freaked out expression) at Number Four after his Beagle, Bernie Kosar (named after the Cleveland Browns quarterback), turns into a Chimera (shape-shifting creatures that protect the people of Lorien). Sam accidentally mistakes him for one of the Mogadorian's pets (huge ugly clawed and winged creatures).

Henri Smith

Bernie Kosar

Sam Goode

Sarah Hart
Mark James

John Smith
I will be reading this book and the book after it, The Power of Six, because the movie was so good!
Note: Because it ended in an unfinished matter type of way I believe there will be a second movie!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Starting Piano Lessons

I realized just the other day that I have not written anything for my blog in a while so I will make a commitment (though it's always though for me to keep them) to at least upload something new every two or three days. I would love to do it more often, however, its been though because my Algebra I teacher has been giving me tons and tons of homework along with the homework all the other teachers give me.

It's my birthday tomorrow (February 21st)! My parents got me a Yamaha digital piano because we had been talking about how I wanted to learn how to play the piano!

I believe the piano is a very versatile and beautiful instrument. I am extremely excited to learn how to play! I will also be practicing that along with all my school work and I hope I have enough time to manage everything!

I went to the book store to buy some books and got a book that has all the notes and names and placement of the hands and another one with a CD and everything! I am very happy to learn a new instrument because I feel like it should be something important for every one's creativity!

P.S. If anyone knows of good online websites where I could learn about the piano and how to play just comment below!
Thank You!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I had this realization quite so time ago and I had not yet taken a written account. This is my opinion on what I believe about children who start to develop their individual skills at an early age, focusing mainly on musical and language skills. I have not experienced this ever, I did not start to develop these types of skills until later in my life. However, not a day goes by when I wish that I had started studying some type of musical or lingual talent. My only fear is that I may have realized this too late and now being fourteen years old and not having any of these skills yet I will not have enough time to share talent with the world.

I wished to become famous to meet new people and share whatever I may have studied with the world, I wished to learn to play the guitar and the piano even learn Korean, French, Chinese, Italian, or some type of language that could help me better connect with other cultures in the world. However, this was not possible because I did not start to study anything new until this year. 

If one wants to become fluent in any musical or lingual skills one must have parents that put them to study these skills at a very young age, such as five or six, sometimes younger sometimes older. Another way is to actually grow up around people who know or are learning these types of skills. This may sound like a lot to teach a child, however, it is not as long as the curriculum is not so strict that it becomes a burden.

I know only two languages those being Spanish and English. I have started to self teach myself Korean through the internet. Which brings me to my second and short point. The internet is a wonderful place to learn new things.

To conclude, if one wants to become famous at a young age when they can enjoy it, they must learn a skill that will be useful in the department they choose at a young age, this includes singing, acting, language and instruments. Also if one does not have any resources that are available near them then the internet is the ultimate resource.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beastly by Alex Flinn~Summary of Part 1

Alex Flinn divided this book into parts. This summary is entirely about all of Part 1 which is pages 1-28. Part 1 is  titled A Prince And A Witch.

A Prince And A Witch is the section of the book where Kyle Kingsbury gets voted for ninth grade prince and he recalls how he only cares about appearance and money even stating, "Not only was my name, Kyle Kingsbury, there for ninth-grade prince, but I was the sure winner. No one could compete with my looks and my dad's cash." (page 6). He is explaining this in a chat group specifically for people/animals/creatures that have been or will be changed by witches. There are several people using the chat one is Kyle under the name BeastNYC, another is a mermaid who might be doing business with a sea witch to receive legs and become human because she fell in love with a sailor that she saved but she will be rejecting her race and giving up her voice, she goes under the name SilentMaid. The other chatters are Mr. Anderson who is the person who put the chat together, Froggie who was a prince turned into a frog and has to sneak into the castle to get on the computer,  and the last person in the chat is Grizzlyguy who was turned into a bear. As he is recalling what happens to him he also begins to recall how Kendra was the witch that turned him into the furred and clawed monster that he now was.