Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am not avoiding writing! I promise! I wrote two documents I am very proud of but it will have to wait until tomorrow...I just finished my homework right now and I did not procrastinate...I had to work on my PPP (I know it sounds terrible!). It stands for Polished Piece of Pros but in the words of my teacher Mr. Schwartz (hope I spelled that right) it almost sounds like there should be a Poopie in there...Polished Piece of Poopie...Poopie Piece of Pros...Oh the possible choices *sigh*.... Tomorrow is my "celebratory reading" I read a paper that told me it was "celebratory" written by the vice principal...but if someone has to tell you it's fun...it probably won't be...you shouldn't have to convince me it's fun...I should just know...ANYWAYS! The reason I am not uploading the pieces I have written yet is because they are VERY, VERY long. If I started to type now I would not get enough sleep thus making for an extremely grumpy Alex in the morning and starting my day in Zombie mode. I will spare you the details! I will upload when I don't have too much homework and during the weekend! I will also be uploading the next chapter of my fanfiction soon, I hope you will look forward to it! Good night! If you are in a different time zone then Good morning or Good afternoon! Whichever one applies!

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