Monday, May 30, 2011

Teachers and Homework

This week was just extremely hectic! I had a ton of daily homework and on top of that my History teacher decided to assign an essay project due Friday and then she also gave us normal Reading Log Journal homeworks too! The worst part was that I worked on it almost everyday and still had to stay up late the day before it was due! But I thought, 'Well she loved my thesis statement so at least I can hand this in and be proud of it, I hope I get a good grade!' That thought proved to be wrong when I got to class and found out she wasn't there. I thought, 'Oh, I hope it wasn't anything bad!' Later the substitute told us, "Your History teacher, Ms.Alden, planed a trip to Texas to see her family and had to catch a plane that left early today, here is the worksheet she made for you to complete." I was about to go ballistic! 'She had enough time to make a worksheet, so she knew she was leaving! Why didn't she just extend the due date to Tuesday!'I screamed in my head. *sigh* Teachers...

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