Saturday, November 19, 2011

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

This is the trailer for the movie.

I like Twilight and then there are some things that I don't like about it. One of the problems that Twilight has is that I am much more interested in the supporting characters than I am in the main characters. I feel as if Bella doesn't change mentally ever, her character never grows except for at the very end of Breaking Dawn where she is a mom and thus becomes protective of her child, but her mentality never changes. I feel like all the other characters (because we get to see their pasts) they do grow and change mentally.

WARNING!: After this there may be slight spoilers!

I just saw Twilight: Breaking dawn Part 1 yesterday, and I must say I am really pleased with how they filmed everything to do with the baby. It was just amazing how they made Bella look so physically broken! I loved how they show the baby breaking her (literally...there was one part where I was just thinking, 'Is it possible to bend like that?'). One thing that bothered me was that in the book Rosalie had always wanted a child so she is very protective of Reneesme, but in the movie she seemed like a psychopath (one of those mom's that is obsessive and controlling and such).

I love when I can go to the movies and the audience all laughs, awww's and ooh's at the same exact time and I feel like this is one of those movies that does that well. There is a part where Edward breaks the head board of the bed and that was just funny, it was too much!

WARNING!: This next sentence is an extreme spoiler! (Skip over it if you want)

I LOVE the way it ended; with her eyes opening (they were red), and how they show the transformation from human to vampire.

I am looking forward to seeing the second part because of the Volturi; I really want to see how they are going to show the fight between them and the Cullens and shifters. I really loved how they showed the tension of keeping the treaty in this movie and I hope it turns out good in the next movie!

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