Monday, May 30, 2011

Teachers and Homework

This week was just extremely hectic! I had a ton of daily homework and on top of that my History teacher decided to assign an essay project due Friday and then she also gave us normal Reading Log Journal homeworks too! The worst part was that I worked on it almost everyday and still had to stay up late the day before it was due! But I thought, 'Well she loved my thesis statement so at least I can hand this in and be proud of it, I hope I get a good grade!' That thought proved to be wrong when I got to class and found out she wasn't there. I thought, 'Oh, I hope it wasn't anything bad!' Later the substitute told us, "Your History teacher, Ms.Alden, planed a trip to Texas to see her family and had to catch a plane that left early today, here is the worksheet she made for you to complete." I was about to go ballistic! 'She had enough time to make a worksheet, so she knew she was leaving! Why didn't she just extend the due date to Tuesday!'I screamed in my head. *sigh* Teachers...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Arts Night at BARD!

This past Thursday my school (BARD High School Early College of Queens) hosted an Arts Night. There was art displayed throughout the whole school that belonged to the Art Classes and there was performances on stage by the Drum Classes, the Orchestra, the Dance Class, the Choir, and other classes/clubs. It was quite entertaining and I got to see my friend, Prya, sing a solo for the Choir. I had a lot of fun reassembling puzzle cubes that the Art Classes made; despite, the fact that there was one cube that I could not put together, and I remember saying, "Geez! Why is this one so hard? It must have been made by a genius!" to which my friend, Diana, answered, "What do you think...we go to BARD! Everyone here is super intelligent!" At that point I replied, "I suppose your right.", and the tenth grade guy sitting in front of me laughed and said, "Yeah right! You should be in some of my classes. Some people do the stupidest things! Just the other day my friend asked me who was on the dollar bill!" Me and Diana could only stare at him in disbelief.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Chapter of my new Fan Fiction!

I have started my first ever fan fiction! For those of you who want to read my fan fiction I recommend that you read the actual Manga, or watch the actual Anime first before you read it because you will understand it more, and be able to get a better sense of the characters. With out further ado:
Click Here for Story: Internal Conflicts

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Impossible Quiz o.O

I have a friend who has the Impossible Test in her I-phone which is awesome because I play it all the time...and I thought it was so great that I decided to look for some Impossible Tests/Quizzes online. I found a really good quiz at: This Website! (Click Here!)

Anyways...I cannot seem to get very far after I think question 52 or around there...

Some of the answers to the questions and the way that they are composed make me think 'Wow. In order for this to actually work, the people who make these quizzes up not only have to be amazingly intelligent but also have to not look at the world the way most people do.' Translation: The people need to be Psychopathic Geniuses! Congratulations to all who can do this type of thing! Now you have my respect!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Overbearing Math Teacher

My teacher always worked us to our full potential and gave us homework and hard tests. Which was a lot of hard work, but I understood that it is necessary for me to practice Algebra (he says "it is the basis of ALL other math"). However, just recently, at the beginning of class today he told us "Today marks the start of all the real work," and I remember thinking 'WHAT! What is he talking about is he planing to bury us in homework?'. Nevertheless, I must say that the real shock came when he said "Yes, I plan on giving you at least twenty-five to thirty algebraic problems from the textbook everyday." now you can imagine...that was when I actually died inside and all the little hope I had was gone...In my head all I could think was 'No, he is not planing to bury us in homework...he just simply wants to whack us with the textbook'. WHACK! I'm out cold...