Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Chemistry Quiz Revelation

While in my Chemistry class we have been studying the Periodic Table of the Elements. There is a special way of "reading" the table and I was trying to learn it. The problem was I could not understand how to do it. I asked the teacher about a thousand questions and I still could not understand this weird concept. Finally, after wracking my brain, and then the teachers brain and then my friends brains for answers I decided to give it a rest. Then suddenly there was a quiz (not a pop quiz just one that I had forgotten about because of the Algebra quiz I was having that week too). Well, we can all guess what this Chemistry quiz was about, right? Of course, it was on some questions that you could only get right if you knew how to "read" the Periodic table of the Elements! The quiz begun and I could only answer one question out of all eight of the questions on the quiz! By this point I was freaking out and I thinking "Aw, sh*t! Why does this type of stuff only happen to me!" Then it suddenly hit me like a lightning bolt. I thought "This is how your supposed to read it!" Everything clicked and then I answered all the questions! Then yesterday I got my quiz results back! My score was a seven out of eight...guess what question I got wrong...the only one that I could answer at the beginning of the quiz...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Crazy Weather!

I realize that I have not written anything in my blog in a really long time, however I must say that school has been crazy and that paired with the fact that I seem to be addicted to Korean dramas has not helped this issue at all.

Well, onto what I really want to write about. i do not know how the weather is in other states, but here in New York the weather has been insane. Can this even be counted as real SPRING! The new season has come with unexpected surprises...I have just been informed that tomorrow it will most likely snow, the last time I checked winter is over and it's now spring, so what is going on? It is just not fair. I do not like the extreme heat in any way, shape, or form but the snow is getting on my nerves!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you know what I hate?

Well, you don't but you will in a second...I HATE IT WHEN YOU WATCH A SHOW THAT IS A SERIES AND YOU MISS SOME DAYS SO THAT WHEN YOU WATCH IT AGAIN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON! That pisses me off especially when it's something really good because then you miss all the parts that explained what happened. It is very upsetting when I watch it again because then I do not understand everything that the characters are talking about. It makes me is so confusing.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Super Junior and other K-pop

Recently, actually almost at the beginning of the school year I heard of K-pop. My friends, Diana and Melissa, introduced me to Super Junior. Super Junior was the first Korean Pop group I heard of and then came SNSD aka Girl's Generation and other groups like SHINee, SS501, DBSK aka TVXQ and even Brown Eyed Girls. The point. I am in love with Korean Pop it is very good music to listen to, it is usually very upbeat with the exception of a few songs. I love the bands that are listed (list below) because not only can they sing but their dancing is amazing unlike the bands from here (U.S.) where the bands cannot.

K-pop groups I like
1. Super Junior (I love their sub group too: Super Junior K.R.Y.)
3. SHINee
4. SS501
5. Wonder Girls
6. Brow Eyed Girl(s)
7. Dalmatian
8. Beast
9. 2pm
10. 2am
11. ZE:A
12. JYJ
13. U-kiss
14. FT Island
15. Orange Caramel (a sub group of Rainbow)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sharing Great Stories

This morning I took the train with my father which is a sort of rare occasion that only happens when he is leaving at the same time as me despite the fact that we take the train in the same direction everyday. But today I realized that sharing stories is important. I was telling my father of some stories that I had and he told me of some of his stories. It also happened when I was on the train with some friends...*smiles*...Overall I have realized that sharing stories brings people closer...despite how sappy that may sound *rolls eyes*.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Annoyed at a writer...

I was reading a very good, no a GREAT story, however, the writer of the story (a fan-fiction) decided that they were going to make it really long, which was fine because the story was GREAT, so by chapter 34 the story was awesome! However, then the writer decided that they thought the characters were getting too Out Of Character (OOC). This was bad because then they decided to re-write the story! I put so much effort into reading it that I cannot bear the is just upsetting! Now I have to begin again! So sad...WHY ME?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crowded Trains and New Yorkers

Crowded Trains! It seems that sometimes (meaning every time) that I'm taking the train from my school to home I cannot seem to be able to just have some space! I take the train with my friends and it is just annoying when you were previously having a conversation on the train station and then when the train comes it's almost so full that you do not have to hold on to the pole. Ugh, almost being the key word because it is even worse when it's not full enough so that you then have to hold on and the only thing to hold onto is the ceiling because then your hand gets tired and the person next to you is having the mind block of the century and they think you purposefully want to be pushing them! As if I would want to be that close to them in the first place! Sheesh! Really in New York we only 'bond' when we are forced to get into a cart that is full because of our schedules! If someone were to get up that close on a normal street that was not crowded the would get REJECTED, and I don't mean "Eww, get away from me!" it would be extreme, like, "Get the ______ out of my personal space or I will call the ______ing cops on you!" But I think the real funny part is that we try to ignore the people around us in a crowded train when they are all up in your personal space, however, when there is not that many people around you, you stay on the alert (well if you live in New York you better be on the alert!), really how ironic...