Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hey! over all of what has been going on!

Sorry I have not uploaded in so long. I was busy with Final Examinations and the Regents Exams and also with Projects. And WE JUST GOT A CAR!!! WOOO HOOO!!! (Must say that was random), and my uncle and his family moved back to Puerto Rico *tear*!

I am just super excited for this summer and just for the end of school which is the 28 of this month. Then I can get started with things that need some attention like this Blog and my piano lessons among some things. Also, I believe I will be getting a job over the summer and that towards the end of the summer I will be visiting my aunt up in Virginia! I have a great many things to look forward to but until the end of the school year I will relax for a bit and recover from all the last minute things and start to catch up with just my writing for now. The thing is my year officially ends on the 28 but I don't have to go to school until the 28. So I have decided to be a teenager and just enjoy spending time doing things like hanging out with friends and such! Then I have to get crackin' for real, real on things like: reading (started), writing (started), piano (not yet started), and other things that I cannot think of on the spot right now!

Hooray for me! Chill Time! (I can be quite lazy *sigh*, but I will change it!...This can be my SUMMER RESOLUTION!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Morning of Extra Sleep!

When my father goes away (to visit family...because sometimes we don't ALL go, though it is rarely that he goes without us) and my mom and me are the only ones in the house I always take his side of the bed because my parents bed is one billion times more comfortable and soft. I always ask my parents the same question, "How do you manage to drag your body out of such a comfortable bed every weekday morning?" I believe my parents are amazing because I know that if I had to wake up from such a bed every morning I would just go on sleeping until about 12 in the afternoon. So I had two days that I was able to sleep on his side of the bed, but the problem was that they were week days and I had to wake up early to go to school. So on Monday morning I heard my mother's alarm clock go off at 6:30 in the morning. I literary started to chant inside my head, 'Please don't wake me up! Please don't wake me up! Please don't wake me up! Please don't wake me up! PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME UP!!!!' And I believe it absolutely must have worked because I went back to sleep and got an extra half of an hour of sleep! AMAZING! When I woke up I was, as you can imagine, super happy for this. That must have been the best morning ever!