Sunday, February 27, 2011

Piano Progress

I thought I would be quite random and wanted to do a post on my progress in my self teaching piano (as of now, I want to get a teacher soon though). I have improved at reading the music and the differences between the Treble Clef and Bass Clef as to where the notes are according to the keys on the piano. It is very interesting and I am extremely happy to be learning how to play a new instrument. I have begun to learn how to play "Fur Elise" by Beethoven. It has been a very good piece because with it I have acquired more of handle on the transitions between notes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Am Number Four

I Am Number Four is a movie about a senior in high school, John Smith, who's home planet, Lorien, was destroyed. There are nine like him that having run away from their home planet during it's destruction, live in Earth as refugees scattered out while running away from the Mogadorians. Each of them has special powers that, throughout the movie, are not specified as to what they are exactly. Each of them who look like ordinary teenagers living ordinary lives, have extraordinary powers and must fight to save Earth, their new home. John Smith aka Number Four, who will be the next target after the demise of Number Three, in particular wants to be normal. He, however, learns his incredible destiny and ends up as a warrior when trying to survive. He he acquires scars on his leg every time that one of them dies, he has three of them, one for Number One, one for Number Two, and one for Number Three. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri, John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events like his first (and only) love, powerful new abilities, and a connection to the others who share his destiny.If that weren't trouble enough John has to contend with the local football bullies who have targeted him and another outsider and soon-to-be ally, Sam. But at the very least he doesn't have to do everything by himself, enter Jane Doe aka Number Six, a girl with powers similar to John, she helps towards the end of the movie and helps kill the Mogadorians. In the end John is forced to leave his love, Sarah Hart, and rides away in his truck with Sam and Number Six who is leading the way in her motorcycle. They are going to find the other four like them and train to make their legacies (powers) stronger.

 Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books - but we are real. Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running, Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. We have live among you without you knowing. But they know.
                                                                                                      -I Am Number Four (Book)
Mogadorianshideous, long black trench-wearing (they actually look cool with the trench when you look at them from behind), aliens with tiny sharp and pointy teeth and gills on either side of their nose. Obviously the "bad guys", right? They also have ritualistic scalp tattoos on the back of their heads and speak a different language while talking to each other.

He looks cool with the trench in the wind, right?
Until you look at his face and your eyeballs fall out because he is too ugly! Just imagine this and then remember that there is more than just one of them. AH! The horror!

My Overall Opinion:
It was a very good movie! I give it four stars! I enjoyed watching it because the plot was very well thought out and the characters are well developed and thought through. I was fascinated by the special effects and believe  it is a good movie for anyone interested in science fiction and most teenagers. This movie also brings out many emotions, some of the scenes were funny some were crazy some were sad, happy, etc. My favorite scenes had to be the part of the movie where Sam (the sidekick) finds out why his dad went missing because I thought he was going to be horrified but instead he was quite happy. I also enjoyed the scenes where I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be happy or sad, there were at least three. Finally I was upset that in the movie Number Six's legacies were so much more advanced than those of Number Four because he was the main character so it would have made more sense if he was further along than Jane, however throughout the movie her powers come in a lot more often than his and she does most of the stunts that save them. His part was big when she told him to hit her with his Lumen ,which is his energy/legacy, and she was recharged so that she could then continue to pull of more stunts.

I enjoyed many of the things that the characters from this movie said!

-"Stay tuned." - Number Six says this after Number Four ask what other powers she has.
-"Red bull is for p*****s." - Number Six says this after Number Four recharges her with his Lumen.
-"Your dog turned into one of them!" - Sam yells this (with a freaked out expression) at Number Four after his Beagle, Bernie Kosar (named after the Cleveland Browns quarterback), turns into a Chimera (shape-shifting creatures that protect the people of Lorien). Sam accidentally mistakes him for one of the Mogadorian's pets (huge ugly clawed and winged creatures).

Henri Smith

Bernie Kosar

Sam Goode

Sarah Hart
Mark James

John Smith
I will be reading this book and the book after it, The Power of Six, because the movie was so good!
Note: Because it ended in an unfinished matter type of way I believe there will be a second movie!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Starting Piano Lessons

I realized just the other day that I have not written anything for my blog in a while so I will make a commitment (though it's always though for me to keep them) to at least upload something new every two or three days. I would love to do it more often, however, its been though because my Algebra I teacher has been giving me tons and tons of homework along with the homework all the other teachers give me.

It's my birthday tomorrow (February 21st)! My parents got me a Yamaha digital piano because we had been talking about how I wanted to learn how to play the piano!

I believe the piano is a very versatile and beautiful instrument. I am extremely excited to learn how to play! I will also be practicing that along with all my school work and I hope I have enough time to manage everything!

I went to the book store to buy some books and got a book that has all the notes and names and placement of the hands and another one with a CD and everything! I am very happy to learn a new instrument because I feel like it should be something important for every one's creativity!

P.S. If anyone knows of good online websites where I could learn about the piano and how to play just comment below!
Thank You!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I had this realization quite so time ago and I had not yet taken a written account. This is my opinion on what I believe about children who start to develop their individual skills at an early age, focusing mainly on musical and language skills. I have not experienced this ever, I did not start to develop these types of skills until later in my life. However, not a day goes by when I wish that I had started studying some type of musical or lingual talent. My only fear is that I may have realized this too late and now being fourteen years old and not having any of these skills yet I will not have enough time to share talent with the world.

I wished to become famous to meet new people and share whatever I may have studied with the world, I wished to learn to play the guitar and the piano even learn Korean, French, Chinese, Italian, or some type of language that could help me better connect with other cultures in the world. However, this was not possible because I did not start to study anything new until this year. 

If one wants to become fluent in any musical or lingual skills one must have parents that put them to study these skills at a very young age, such as five or six, sometimes younger sometimes older. Another way is to actually grow up around people who know or are learning these types of skills. This may sound like a lot to teach a child, however, it is not as long as the curriculum is not so strict that it becomes a burden.

I know only two languages those being Spanish and English. I have started to self teach myself Korean through the internet. Which brings me to my second and short point. The internet is a wonderful place to learn new things.

To conclude, if one wants to become famous at a young age when they can enjoy it, they must learn a skill that will be useful in the department they choose at a young age, this includes singing, acting, language and instruments. Also if one does not have any resources that are available near them then the internet is the ultimate resource.