Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Beastly by Alex Flinn~Summary of Part 1

Alex Flinn divided this book into parts. This summary is entirely about all of Part 1 which is pages 1-28. Part 1 is  titled A Prince And A Witch.

A Prince And A Witch is the section of the book where Kyle Kingsbury gets voted for ninth grade prince and he recalls how he only cares about appearance and money even stating, "Not only was my name, Kyle Kingsbury, there for ninth-grade prince, but I was the sure winner. No one could compete with my looks and my dad's cash." (page 6). He is explaining this in a chat group specifically for people/animals/creatures that have been or will be changed by witches. There are several people using the chat one is Kyle under the name BeastNYC, another is a mermaid who might be doing business with a sea witch to receive legs and become human because she fell in love with a sailor that she saved but she will be rejecting her race and giving up her voice, she goes under the name SilentMaid. The other chatters are Mr. Anderson who is the person who put the chat together, Froggie who was a prince turned into a frog and has to sneak into the castle to get on the computer,  and the last person in the chat is Grizzlyguy who was turned into a bear. As he is recalling what happens to him he also begins to recall how Kendra was the witch that turned him into the furred and clawed monster that he now was.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Book:Beastly-Book Plot/Summary!

This is a special week because I am almost sure that I will write everyday but not too sure. However I will say that I stated reading chapter 1 of Beastly a book by Alex Flinn. Today is just a day  for me to post up the summary of the entire book and I will start to post by individual chapters tomorrow.

This book is a rendition of Beauty & the Beast. However, one of the many different exceptions is that it is not told from the point of view of the female side but it is a story in the point of view of the beast. Another exception is that there is no Gaston. This is a modernized classic that now takes place in New York City. Now not only do we get to see what he was thinking and feeling but we also get a very good sense of how he was before he was turned into a beast.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

1st update!

This blog is a blog to summarize book chapters mostly and any other reading material I may do in the course of each day. I will start posting Monday 24, 2011 because I have to chose the reading material first!