Friday, December 2, 2011

My day leading up to International Night!

Today was such a good day! It started out crazy (like it is for anyone who takes the train in the morning in New York), like is sometimes true for me I just caught my train as I was going up the stairs of the train station and had to catch it all the way at the back. I had to run to make my transfer, but I had tons of bags because my performance was later that day. I thought I was going to be late because there was a delay; however, as is common during the winter I SOMEHOW got there with more than enough time (which never happens during the more thing to add to why I don't like summer too much). Well, moving on...while in my Global History class he brought in a coffee maker and someone asked "What is that for?" (Can anyone say, the awkward moment when everyone stares at one person for asking about the most obvious thing ever). I would think they are used to make coffee, but I could be wrong, I am not too sure *sarcasm*. Then he told us he brought it so we could use it when we wanted that even allowed...? Anyways, he moved on to say "I brought this but you can only use it if you find your own cups, if you want sugar or anything else you are going to get it for yourself too." So during our five minute break between our double period me and my friends raced around the school looking for cups and sugar...we ended up finding both after racing around in the time we got back to the class room we didn't even need the sugar since we were now wide awake. The rest of my day was normal until lunch when we went down and did each others hair and make up so that we would be ready for the show after school. I then went to Physics Lab, my favorite class...I am a nerd. I am a BARDIAN (the dictionary definition for this is some one who studies in BARD High School Early College in Queens). After we ran to the girls looker room and crazed around like headless chickens getting ready for the all the performances. When I was up I was happy that I had worked so hard and I was able to "execute the dance magnificently" (in the words of my friend). However, I was so nervous that the smile on my face was making my top lip twitch (the audience couldn't tell, thank goodness). I enjoyed performing and being able to share my hard work so much that I plan to do the talent show this year and do both thing again next year as well!

P.S. I finished The Host and will be putting up the review this weekend!

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