Thursday, February 3, 2011


I had this realization quite so time ago and I had not yet taken a written account. This is my opinion on what I believe about children who start to develop their individual skills at an early age, focusing mainly on musical and language skills. I have not experienced this ever, I did not start to develop these types of skills until later in my life. However, not a day goes by when I wish that I had started studying some type of musical or lingual talent. My only fear is that I may have realized this too late and now being fourteen years old and not having any of these skills yet I will not have enough time to share talent with the world.

I wished to become famous to meet new people and share whatever I may have studied with the world, I wished to learn to play the guitar and the piano even learn Korean, French, Chinese, Italian, or some type of language that could help me better connect with other cultures in the world. However, this was not possible because I did not start to study anything new until this year. 

If one wants to become fluent in any musical or lingual skills one must have parents that put them to study these skills at a very young age, such as five or six, sometimes younger sometimes older. Another way is to actually grow up around people who know or are learning these types of skills. This may sound like a lot to teach a child, however, it is not as long as the curriculum is not so strict that it becomes a burden.

I know only two languages those being Spanish and English. I have started to self teach myself Korean through the internet. Which brings me to my second and short point. The internet is a wonderful place to learn new things.

To conclude, if one wants to become famous at a young age when they can enjoy it, they must learn a skill that will be useful in the department they choose at a young age, this includes singing, acting, language and instruments. Also if one does not have any resources that are available near them then the internet is the ultimate resource.

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