Thursday, February 23, 2012

Block B support! BBCs unite!

I realize that I have not written in a while, but for now I will put that to the side. I was going to start a fresh in March but recently I have come across something that is too important!I even made a petition for it!

If you follow the k-pop world you may know that recently Block B has gotten into a bit of a scandal. They were doing an interview where they were asked about the current state that Thailand is in after the flooding there. The way that Block B behaved seems to have offended many Thai people and some Koreans are saying it is shameful. However, what they did was not extreme and they meant no disrespect or harm with their actions. After this happened Block B realized that it was hurtful to some people and has extended a full apology. Not only that but just yesterday it was reported that the youngest member of Block B,  PO, was hospitalized due to health issues caused by the pressure that netizens have created. Netizens have made a petition for them to be disbanded and for them to kill themselves. These people who think of themselves highly who would never offend someone because they are civilized...where is the civilization in that! Then to top it off not only the boys but their families have been targeted as well! That is wrong and inhumane! No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Block B can learn fro this experience and move on! It is time for those who have been offended to be mature about the issue and move on with their lives!

This is the interview (where I found nothing offensive really but through another persons eyes  might see why):

This is their apology video:

BBCs (the preferred name that the Block B fan-base uses for themselves) must stand together and show Block B that we support them and that we love them! Lets cheer Block B up!

Sign the petition below to show the support:
Block B support petition! We Love Block B!

Join the Facebook page:
BBC page

These are documents/videos that helped me get informed:

PO Hospitalized
Video apology
Block B controversy

Disclaimer: All videos and links in this post aside from the petition belong to others and are not mine!
I hope we can unite all the BBCs! Lets cheer up Block B!