Saturday, November 19, 2011

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1

This is the trailer for the movie.

I like Twilight and then there are some things that I don't like about it. One of the problems that Twilight has is that I am much more interested in the supporting characters than I am in the main characters. I feel as if Bella doesn't change mentally ever, her character never grows except for at the very end of Breaking Dawn where she is a mom and thus becomes protective of her child, but her mentality never changes. I feel like all the other characters (because we get to see their pasts) they do grow and change mentally.

WARNING!: After this there may be slight spoilers!

I just saw Twilight: Breaking dawn Part 1 yesterday, and I must say I am really pleased with how they filmed everything to do with the baby. It was just amazing how they made Bella look so physically broken! I loved how they show the baby breaking her (literally...there was one part where I was just thinking, 'Is it possible to bend like that?'). One thing that bothered me was that in the book Rosalie had always wanted a child so she is very protective of Reneesme, but in the movie she seemed like a psychopath (one of those mom's that is obsessive and controlling and such).

I love when I can go to the movies and the audience all laughs, awww's and ooh's at the same exact time and I feel like this is one of those movies that does that well. There is a part where Edward breaks the head board of the bed and that was just funny, it was too much!

WARNING!: This next sentence is an extreme spoiler! (Skip over it if you want)

I LOVE the way it ended; with her eyes opening (they were red), and how they show the transformation from human to vampire.

I am looking forward to seeing the second part because of the Volturi; I really want to see how they are going to show the fight between them and the Cullens and shifters. I really loved how they showed the tension of keeping the treaty in this movie and I hope it turns out good in the next movie!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

International Night at School

There will be an International Night is my school towards the beginning of December and I will be in it. Yay? Honestly I am a little nervous DESPITE the fact that we have been practicing every weekday after school for an hour and a half. But another thing is that I am very excited because I have worked so hard for this goal. This is going to sound cliche but to be truthful it is a group effort. All eight of us which includes me have been so supportive of each other; whenever one of us didn't understand how to do a certain move in the dance then someone was always there ready to explain it in the simplest way possible. The fact that it is a Bollywood style dance makes it something very knew to me, so when my friend asked me about it I jumped on the chance since I have always liked me the people who dance it must have great control and they always look so nice doing the moves! As it nears I become more and more happy that it's me and a bunch of friends doing the dance and I don't have to do this with strangers. If I tape the dance (aka if my mom tapes it, I should say...)  then I will post it here. My friend is letting me borrow her blue salwar kameez (traditional Indian clothing and you would not believe how LONG it took me to learn how to say this with the right accent! I had to ask my friend to repeat it about 100 times!). I am just a bit nervous since I am all the way in the front...I hope this turn out well. I can already see myself having a Lizzie McGuire moment where I trip on something that should be impossible to trip over and take the whole stage down with me!

 This is sort of what it looks like except it has short sleeves and is a little darker blue, but other than that the bottom and neckline and shawl are all the same!

Author's Note: I love "The Host" so far the development of the story keeps you on your toes!
Second Author's Note: I have become obsessed with the music composer Yiruma! His piano compositions are beautiful and really capture the essence of feeling and the actual instrument. I recommend that you see what he is all about on Youtube!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I am slowly (oh so very slowly) but surely (I'm not that sure?) getting more computer savvy! Sort of...
Well to start off I learned how to put a Music Player on my tumblr. I tried to do it here as well but I am not THAT savvy and so it was a failed experiment. If you want to get a sense of what I like to listen to on my free time then you can go there. I have up beat songs, sweet songs, sad songs, instrumentals (mostly piano compositions by Yiruma), etc. I hope you enjoy and get to see about music from other places as well as just music that is common to everyone too. Some of the songs are by the Korean Pop groups I mentioned a really long time ago. My tumblr is still the same :

As a COMPLETE side note that has absolutely NOTHING to do with this I wanted to mention the I am currently reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer and when I finish I will be doing a brief summary and review of what I thought of it! I am going to be reading a book of short scary stories by Edgar Allen Poe (awesome writer!) after and will probably do the same thing for my favorite story out of all of them and MAYBE my least favorite story out of all of them. So look forward to it!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have been thinking about this for a while and I have decided to get a tumblr so that my writings may be more seen and criticized. My tumblr will have other stuff since it's mostly for my pleasure but I will post my pieces on both sites now. You can visit me here:

I will be posting a new piece soon!