Thursday, September 22, 2011

More World Literature Class...

Okay so I am realizing that I write everyday but I don't always have time to put them up the day I write it. So, some days there will be more than one post. To move onward, today Mr. Moore gave us 10 grammar words that we should use in a sentence. I was making separate sentences that had nothing to do with each other and I was not happy with the way it came out. It felt random, but in a bad way (a non-creative way), so I started over and made a short scene because I remembered how cool the movie Troy was and I was thinking about soldiers.

1.     The man went to the front line, belligerent and stared the enemy down. He walked forward on the gritty sand as if he was jaunting and not going to battle. He had a surly grin on his face as he saw the weak men on the other side try to surreptitiously sneak to the back of the troop formation. Some of the more willful and whimsical foot soldiers glared back at him. There was no room for the emaciated or the philanthropist, on the battle field it was kill or be killed, and in the end it always turned out the same. He and his own troops standing on the sand painted red and redolent of rusty blood.

These are the words and their meanings:
1. Belligerent - aggressive, ready to fight
2. Gritty - coarse, granular
3. Jaunting - taking a stroll, strolling, short pleasure trip
4. Surly - rude, grumpy, unpleasant
5. Surreptitiously - secretive, sneaky, stealthy
6. Willful - determined, stubborn
7. Whimsical - impulsive, capricious
8. Emaciated - extremely thin, withered, weak
9. Philanthropy - charity, love of human kind
10. Redolent - smelling of, giving off odor/fragrance

Hope you enjoyed my post!

World Literature Class

This is a character who I had to come up with for the genre we are reading not which is Epic. We are reading Gilgamesh...I find it very interesting. So I came up with this character and it was part of my Homework and I wanted to share it because my friend told me it was very good and that I should make it a short story. I will work on it soon, but this is the preview.

 Cody Rossman walked down the lonely road with his face covered by a scarf against the desert sandstorm so as to not breathe in the sand. His medium built frame could hardly be seen with all the sand and despite his head being covered by his hood his shaggy hair was still full of sand. He walked that way for three hours and finally came across a town. He decided to stay because it was almost twilight and if he decided to stay out to camp in the open desert he would subject himself to the danger of the Desert Raiders. He walked into an inn and asked for a room for one night. She stared at his deep green eyes and chiseled face; she glared at him as if saying that nonsense was not allowed without so much as speaking. He went off to the room after he handed her the cash and opened the map that led to the key. All he knew was that it was made of gold and had an onyx scarab beetle on it. If he didn’t find it he would not be able to efficiently control fire and if he wasn’t strong enough the Pharaoh’s would win. They were just a group of people like him but they called themselves the Pharaoh’s and were strong enough to wipe out small nations. He traced a path to the Sand Dunes to the hidden pyramid under the sand. ‘All that’s left now is for me to pass all the traps and then defeat the Pharaoh’s. Well then. No pressure…that’s going to be easy,’ he thought the voice in his head dripping with sarcasm.

PS. sorry it took me sooo long to update! I hope you enjoyed the teaser!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I will update the next chapter of my fan-fiction this weekend! I couldn't do it today because of homework but I am trying really hard to get it out there as soon as I can finish it!

The Second of Two Pieces Written by Me in School...PPP

This was a way for the students to learn how to connect two articles. Even if they have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other. I felt bad that I left Augustine's reputation in tatters; however, this was the best and most opinionated way to connect the two articles. The first (Augustine's) is an article published in a newspaper and the second (Yong's) is a scientific paper on the research of people who believe their own lies by a miss Dr. Chance.

                        Kesi Augustine vs. Ed Yong

            In Obama’s Dream: A Model NYC High School by Kesi Augustine, a former student of BHSEC, the main topic seems to be that she believes that Bard is better than other schools. She even goes as far as to advertise the school in such a manner where she highlights how the school is very diverse and unique, how the school is demanding and challenges the students to work hard. What she doesn’t realize is that she is promoting the school for something ALL or at least MOST schools take pride in and do have. Every school says their work is such so that it stimulates the mind and makes the students learn things they will need to know in order to be prepared for college. Who doesn’t know that a Muslim and a Christian can be friends, that a gay and a straight can both believe in finding true love, and that a Latino and an African American can joke with each other about the stereotypes in their communities. Those are things that occur in many other environments besides BHSEC and school.
            As for “People Don’t Know When They’re Lying to Themselves” by Ed Yong if the title is not self explanatory enough for your taste it is about how people can and do lie to themselves to make themselves feel better or to escape the scrutiny of others, and they are so good at it that they believe their own lies. This is what Kesi does in her article.
            Kesi is in the words of Chance, “largely oblivious” to her own lies. She may say that Bard is better than other schools because “the similarities outweigh the differences” and because of its diversity. But she actually wants to justify to others and to herself why she went there. She tells us that the school had “eager students” and no one could make it through by “slumping” in a seat. She only does this to make it seem as if people should listen to her because she went through all this hard work and knows what she is talking about. However, truthfully, every single school has students who can pass and even achieve extraordinary grades and not work extremely hard. She advertizes the school in order to make herself feel good. She wants to make people think she is intelligent and important based solely on the fact that she has gotten such and exclusive education.  However, one can note she is unsure because of the way she goes about trying to make the school look fantastic. She seems very sure sometimes when she is giving the school due praise, but at other moments she seems to be trying to convince herself. She refers to the school as only a “high school” and says that she was extra prepared for “real college”. BHSEC is in fact a college and you do earn an Associates’ Degree for it. It is a great school and does what many great schools do. It prepares and helps students to establish good careers. One usually does some amount of work even if not much to do so. This is not something one should whine or boast about, it is just something unavoidable for those who wish to be successful in life and Bard helps the process along.

-In the words of my teacher Mr. Schwartz (I know how to spell it now), "You have to work very hard in order to fail school.Even with just doing the basics you can pass."
-Also, I got my schedule for my classes today and start the regularly scheduled classes tomorrow! I asked for piano and got it! Yessss! But I can truly say that the idea of having Physics is terrifying!
-Mr. Schwartz is now not only my adviser but my Global History teacher too!
-Hope you enjoyed reading that!
-Feedback is appreciated for anything I ever post on this blog! No FLAMES! I mean CONSTRUCTIVE and HELPFUL criticism.

The First of Two Pieces Written by Me in School...PPP

This one was from a prompt that the teacher gave us. He said that the guys have to write why they would rather be female and the girls would rather write why the would rather be male. For social reasons. I thought it was silly at first. I said "Please I love being a girl!" I still do...I don't know if I really could picture my self as a guy...but it did open my eyes to many social issues. I realize now that society is still somewhat sexist, though it has improved greatly.

            I would rather like to be a boy. The reason is because there is much less stress involved. I wouldn’t have to worry so much about being all the things my parents expect. In “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, she felt judged and as if her mother was not seeing her true self, her mother was seeing in her daughter all the things she was trying to warn her against. Her mother was trying to give her the good advice she thought would be important for her daughter to know in order to lead a good life, but failed to realize how her daughter felt. I feel this can be true for many young ladies and is something that most boys do not have to deal with. Boys do in fact have more freedom to do the things they want. Girls must not do a lot of things boys get to do or they will not look proper. A boy rolling and tussling in the dirt with his friends is something that no one would think out of the ordinary, but as soon as a little girl does it others begin to think things like ‘Where are her parents?’ and ‘Don’t they teach her manners?’ What does having fun have anything to do with manners?
            Another reason that I would rather be a boy is that the beauty standards set for girls to be considered beautiful are set so high and narrow that one must work extremely hard to look attractive. I learned from “Killing Us Softly 3” the third documentary out of a series of four that approximately only five percent of women in America posses the physical attributes that are what society tells us is beautiful. One must be “young, innocent, experienced, and sexy” all at once in order to be considered beautiful. Even in “Being a Boy” by Julius Lester the protagonist, a boy, realizes while he was at a dance that the girls felt like if they weren’t asked out to dance then it was their own fault. Most girls do have low self-esteem and depend on whatever they think of themselves and whatever other think of them, and it is not their fault because society makes it this way. If a girl sees beautiful women on TV, ads, and commercials all the time she won’t feel like she can measure up to them and she won’t have confidence.
            Finally, one can say that the things a girl is expected to do when he grows up to be a woman are not only many but also hard work. Once she is a woman she must take care to be a good wife and respectable mother. She must have all the skills necessary to raise a family among them cooking, cleaning, and in this day and age also manage a career too as if all the domestic duties were not enough to handle.

I also want to add that I saw "Killing Us Softly" and I thought it was amazing! I wanted to share it with you and I strongly recommend you watch it! Here is the link: Click Here! It will lead to Youtube!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I am not avoiding writing! I promise! I wrote two documents I am very proud of but it will have to wait until tomorrow...I just finished my homework right now and I did not procrastinate...I had to work on my PPP (I know it sounds terrible!). It stands for Polished Piece of Pros but in the words of my teacher Mr. Schwartz (hope I spelled that right) it almost sounds like there should be a Poopie in there...Polished Piece of Poopie...Poopie Piece of Pros...Oh the possible choices *sigh*.... Tomorrow is my "celebratory reading" I read a paper that told me it was "celebratory" written by the vice principal...but if someone has to tell you it's probably won't shouldn't have to convince me it's fun...I should just know...ANYWAYS! The reason I am not uploading the pieces I have written yet is because they are VERY, VERY long. If I started to type now I would not get enough sleep thus making for an extremely grumpy Alex in the morning and starting my day in Zombie mode. I will spare you the details! I will upload when I don't have too much homework and during the weekend! I will also be uploading the next chapter of my fanfiction soon, I hope you will look forward to it! Good night! If you are in a different time zone then Good morning or Good afternoon! Whichever one applies!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School. Friends. And a Teacher.

My brain is fried from the documents I had to read today for homework and the lack of sleep, but I really wanted to upload on my first day of school and continue to be more faithful with this and my story. I will have to try to write the next chapter this weekend. I came home, showered, cooked, relaxed a bit, did my homework, now I am writing this, and if there are dishes in the sink I really should try to do them. 

Well, for my first day of school I suppose I can describe it as bitter sweet. Last night I could not fall asleep for the love of my life! I was up until 2:30 just turning and turning. I guess this can be credited to the fact that I was somewhat excited to see all my friends and find out how my new teachers were and also because I got used to falling asleep very late and waking up late. Then I had to get up at 6:30 so you can imagine how happy I was about that. Well then moving on! My new teacher is Mr. Shwartz (hope I spelled that right!) and he is extremely funny and sarcastic! I love it! I love when my teachers are sarcastic, I feel it livens the mood. However, I was kind of mad when he asked a question and when he seemed to think no one was going to get it after he was trying to hint at it while not giving it away (I did attempt to put in word). You see our class work in a seminar type way. So then he just said everything that I had worked out in my head with dedication and intricate thinking. Just like that my effort was ruined. Before the class started on this topic he had been saying to us how "You can be brilliant in your corner over there, but if you don't say anything then no one can pick at it and make it be of good learning experience." He said, "You have to share your thoughts!" and how am I supposed to do that when you beat me to it! Well...aside from that I had a lot of fun giving my friends gifts and receiving some back! seeing teachers that were good and such things.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Starting School Tomorrow! (+ Update)

I am starting school tomorrow! (That's just in case you didn't get it when you read the heading, right?) Okay, Captain Obvious onward! I am sort of dreading the part where you get tons and tons of homework all the time; however, I am looking forward to 10th grade and spending time with friends and the funny teachers and such. so I wanted to say that and also to mention that I don't know if I will be uploading the fourth chapter today or if I will be uploading it tomorrow or perhaps the day after, but if there are no last minute things/events going on this week I will do my best to get it out there this week! Now I have to begin the chapter...right okay, I will get to that right now.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I have now also uploaded the 3rd chapter of Pretear! The fourth chapter will be out as soon as I start and finish it right?! Definitely, I will try to do my best and get it out there as soon as possible! Thank You!

Link: Click Here! and ENJOY!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New York Man Kicks Seagull so Hard it had to be Euthanized

Jeremy Lowengard, 20, who lives in East Harlem, was charged with with torturing or injuring an animal.
Jeremy Lowengard
I was reading the news paper while on my way to New York after a very long visit to my aunt in Virginia and was surprised by the heading of one of the articles: New York Man Kicks Seagull so Hard it had to be Euthanized. I was so baffled. Why would anyone just kick a seagull out of the blue? I guess that's why curiosity killed the cat. However; it has nine lives and this cat's bail was set at 1,000 dollars. Corky Siemaszko writes, "Jeremy Lowengard, 20, who lives in East Harlem, was charged with with torturing or injuring an animal under state Agriculture and Markets Law, which is a misdemeanor." I could not believe that someone who claims to be a nature lover would do something so unlikely. So if you are a seagull in the state of New York, please beware this man, for he is a known seagull kicker!

Read more at:


I wanted to take out the time to just say that I have continued my Pretear fan fiction. I am working on the 3rd chapter right now; however, the 2nd chapter is already out.

Here is the link that takes you there! Hope you enjoy:

I hope to have the third chapter out by tomorrow or the day after!