Friday, August 12, 2011

Catching Up!

Lately I realized that I had not been doing that much reading so I have taken it upon my self to read more. I've been catching up with Vampire Academy as I read the first book and then I suddenly stopped reading the series. But my sister told me about the series and she said it was very good so I will try. I just got momentarily bored seeing as I feel that the second book starts out somewhat slow but I will try to read it. I always try to enforce reading the whole book; I don't normally start a book and not finish it because it can become a bad habit. I will also be catching up on my manga reading although that is more on the fun side because there is less to figure out. My lazy butt!

I recently finished reading Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer which is Twilight but through the eyes of Edwards and I found it to be at least twice as interesting because you really get a look at the big mystery that is the Cullen family and the vampire world; however, I can say that I am very disappointed that Meyer didn't finish it. She wrote, "My first feeling was that there was no way to continue. Writing isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like. With writing, the way you feel changes everything. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely." I suppose she has a point, and what they did to her was awful because I wouldn't want someone to take a story I have written and publish it as their own. However, what about the fans! I would have love to see the end of Midnight Sun and how Edward felt after everything was over.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Off the Face of this Planet...?

Hello! Sorry I have not uploaded in such a long time! Partially it’s my fault because I have been very busy going to my mom’s job or spending time with friends now that its summer and I have not been managing my time wisely. Actually that has always been something that I am not too good with. I do however always take out the time for things like homework and recently chores too. I am writing this on Monday, August 01, 2011; however, due to lack of internet at my grandmother’s apartment I won’t be able to upload it until I get an internet connection.  I will be staying here a week and I imagine my friends must think that I disappeared off the face of this planet because I did not know I was coming and the last time I was here there was internet connection without the need of any password. I quite miss everyone, but I had not seen my grandmother in such a long time that I am having a nice time talking to her. I rather not have internet for a couple of days and keep my lonely grandma company than be a spoiled brat and not care about family!